Our Partners
Organizations and Individuals that we have partnered with that make Gladwood possible.

C. Stephen Byrum, PhD
Steve has generously worked and mentored Renee’ since 2009. He is the content developer and professional oversight for Gladwood. Our intent is to remain as close to Hartman’s original work that he was nominated for the Noble Prize in 1973. We are indebted to Steve’s generosity of working with both of us since 2020.
Steve is a native of Athens, Tennessee where he was active in athletics and academics. He received a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Tennessee Wesleyan College in 1969. He holds a Master of Divinity Degree from Southern Seminary. Steve earned his Master of Arts and Doctorate of Philosophy degrees from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. His studies at the University of Tennessee brought him into a close working relationship the late Robert S. Hartman, as well as John W. Davis and Rem B. Edwards. He has dedicated his career to writing and educating others in using the Hartman Value Profile. Steve’s master’s thesis and doctoral dissertation were on Hartman’s work – the study of values.
Steve taught at the University and College level for 25 years. He is the author of nearly 40 books and over 100 periodical articles.
Steve is married and is the proud father of two children and three grandchildren. He and his family have lived in the Chattanooga area since 1975.

Ivy Tyson
Ivy Tyson is an educator, writer, and researcher with a background in history, theology, and adult education. Her passion for loving people and articulating truth brought her to the Gladwood team and she is excited about the potential value of Hartman’s work for young adults. A lifelong student, she is currently pursuing a PhD in Educational Studies at the Ohio State University.

Indigo Pathway
Indigo Pathway was an opportune and serendipitous meeting for Gladwood. We are indebted to Sheri and Richard for their work they have provided in making the Hartman Value Profile more accessible. We believe the best is yet to come.

Joy Lavallee
I live for the moments in conversation when the dots connect, the gears shift, the awareness clicks, and the person across from me begins to see themself in a new way. The clarity leads to a simple step, to a new choice, to a shift in direction. From unstuck to momentum. They become more of who they are designed to be, and I wake up each day so darn excited to be part of it all.
My professional background in feature writing and internal communication provided a decade worth of opportunities to work in industries varying from fashion boutiques to commercial aviation and nuclear power. One of the most valuable lessons I learned from thousands of conversations is that satisfying growth in life and work is not the never-ending dash to ultimate human optimization, but simply the return to a balanced and generous life. A sort of whole-human way of knowing yourself, being yourself, and giving yourself to work that matters.
On a lighter note, I believe even the most normal and mundane moments in life pair best with a side of truffle parmesan fries, Humboldt Fog cheese, or a glass of Islay Scotch, neat.
My husband, Paul and I live outside of Jackson, Mississippi, where we are perpetually “almost finished” with our home remodel. Our house was originally the first priority but the backyard morphed into outdoor cooking spaces, herb beds, flowers, and has taken over on the project front, and the little flock of city chickens absolutely got their house finished first.